Casting Objectives

When we are casting our main fishing objective is to turn the fly-line over and to present the fly in front of a fish. Depending on the fishing situation we may wish to make a long cast as well. To achieve both of these aims we have to ensure sure that the fly-line is:-

  • Pulled along a straight-line path that continues on to the target
  • Always under tension by constantly accelerating the rod-tip to the launch point
  • Launched at the point of maximum rod-tip speed
  •  At sufficient speed to develop the energy that is required to reach the target

One of the best techniques that fulfils all of these needs for short to medium range casting distance is forearm movement followed by simultaneous wrist and forearm movement.

The following diagram summarises the casting phases and also contains some comments that will be expanded on in the next post.


About John Symonds

I mainly fish the rivers Wye,Usk and Ithon for salmon, trout and grayling. Also fish in Ireland on the rivers Moy, Suir and Blackwater. Specialist skills photography and graphic design relating to fishing, casting and fly-tying. Qualifications include Advanced Professional Game Angling Instructor (APGAI) single and two-handed fly rods, International Federation of Fly Fishers (FFF) two handed casting instructor and Level 2 Angling Trust Coach.
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