Ducks Dun

Ducks Dun


  • Hook: Fulling Mill All Purpose Lightweight, typically size 16 (also 14)
  • Thread: Uni 8/0 Tan
  • Tail: Dark basal fibres from large red game or badger cock hackles
  • Body: Butt: Flyrite 17 Golden Brown
  • Rest of body: Flyrite 42 Dark Olive Brown
  • Rib: Pearsall’s silk 6a
  • Wing: Five CdC plumes
  • Thorax hackle: Medium dun or medium brown dun cock hackle, trimmed to a “V”underneath

Background information

I was introduced to the Ducks Dun by David Collins from Moccas and it is based on Hans van Klinken’s Universal Baetis body, which has a parachute hackle, unlike this fly which has a cdc hackle.

This fly accounted for a large number of Slovenia on at least two occasions, when we lost count of the number of fish that it caught. It is highly rated by a number of my fishing acquaintances. Dave Collins does a really good talk with a slide show on the Ducks Dun.

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